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Hello World, meet Puberty: the Musical!

As the months of summer draw to a close, the days get cooler, the nights get longer. It is time for people to start getting out and about. The festival season is on. People are hitting the town to go and see an array of plays and concerts. There are many events happening in and around the city, including the NZ Fringe Festival. So it is a great time to be going out and seeing things. Among all of this is our show, Puberty: the Musical.

Now around town you may be seeing our wonderful posters that have gone up! A bloody tampon shark will surely catch people’s eye as they walk past. These marvellous posters were done by our design team and now Phantom Billstickers have put them up in locations around the CBD. Make sure to grab a selfie with one while they’re there.

On another note, the show has now sold over 220 tickets which is pretty mind blowing! It is crazy to imagine all the people coming to see us. With so many tickets sold already and still two weeks to go, Puberty: the Musical is proving quite popular. With showtime getting ever closer us actors have our final rehearsals coming up. We will now be able to see our show finally come together. It is great to have our creation in it’s finished form, and be proud of what we’ve made. Before long, we will be showing our play, Puberty: the Musical, to the world!

Be sure to grab what's left of the tickets from

And check us out in the Regional News!

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